Use data trusted by millions
Windy API provides access to the same data that powers the , used by millions of people worldwide.
Point Forecast

Get forecast for specified coordinates
Obtain data for wind, temperature, precipitation, air quality and other 20 parameters.

Made by developers for developers
Easy to use API with detailed documentation and examples.
Documentation ExploreMap Forecast

Enhance the map with your own data
Use our maps to show information you need. Use for tracking and something other.
Documentation ExploreWebcams
No ads are shown in timelapse player. Unrestricted API access.

The largest repository of webcams worldwide
Get access to a huge amount of webcams across the globe. Retrieve fresh images from different locations.
Documentation ExploreNeed more?
Now part of the Windy family, Meteoblue

More then 100 weather variables
A powerful, versatile API with over 100 weather variables.

Real-time and historical data
Obtain both real-time and historical data to meet a wide range of industry needs.

High-resolution forecasts
Access high-resolution forecasts, and seamless integration options designed to improve your situational awareness and weather-based decicions.