Terms of Use

Image usage

Do not sretch images. Use images only in their original size or in a smaller size.

Use API URLs. Use images only with URLs provided by the API.

Image Linking

Link every image with us. Link every image with either our webcam page or timelapse player for full view.

  • Webcam page URL is available in: webcam.urls
  • Timelapse player URL is available in: webcam.player

Don't want to link or embed us? Use API


Mention us. Add our courtesy to the context of the displayed webcams. It should appear in the corner of the context, in the size and color of the text common to your site. For example:

Webcam detail, webcam thumbnails, webcam preview...

Webcams provided by Windy.comadd a webcam

Webcams provided by <a href="https://www.windy.com/" target="_blank">windy.com</a> &mdash; <a href="https://www.windy.com/webcams/add" target="_blank">add a webcam</a>


Restrictions: You must use the Webcams API in a responsible way and you must not place the bandwidth of Webcams API under an inappropriate load with the Webcams API. You may only use the data "as is" which is delivered by the API methods.

Warranty: Windyty, S.E does not guarantee that the Webcams API is free of errors. The Webcams API is provided "as is", and you use it at your own risk. Windyty, S.E. does not guarantee that the Webcams API will be 100% available.

Termination: Windyty, S.E. may terminate the API at any time for any reason. Your right to use the Webcams API will end at the point when Windyty, S.E. publishes a notice of termination of the Webcams API. Your right to use the Webcams API will end if you violate the Webcams API Terms of Use.

Complete terms of use can be fount at: Specific terms of use of the windy webcams api services


Need help?

Drop a line in our Windy API section of our Windy Community forum