Point Forecast API

Point forecast enables the user to obtain machine-readable data regarding the weather forecast for a specified set of coordinates. For example:

  • Temperature for 49.123 / 15.008
  • Wind for -18.321 / 20 at the altitude of 250h
  • Etc.

Point forecast returns exclusively the most recent forecast values. It is not possible to retrieve historical forecasts with past data. The response always contains all specified parameters (e.g. temperature, pressure etc.) from a specified forecast model, along with the entire available forecast for the following days.

The ECMWF model is not included in point forecast due to licensing conditions.



  • Use API Testing to see if it fits your needs
  • Returns randomly shuffled and slightly modified data
  • Development purpose only, not intended for production


  • Unlimited forecast models

    (ECMWF is not included)

  • Unlimited parameters

990 € / year

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Requests per day


* returns randomly shuffled and slightly modified data

10 000*

* can be increased by agreement

Available modelsarome, iconEu, gfs, gfsWave, namConus, namHawaii, namAlaska, geos5
Available parameterswind, wind gusts, temperature, dew point, precipitation (rain, snow, convective), precipitation type, CAPE index, high clouds, medium clouds, low clouds, humidity, geopotential height, pressure, waves, wind waves, swell, swell 2, CO concentration, dust mass, SO2 mass

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