Map Forecast API
Use Windy maps to visualize any feature you like. Add Windy maps to your website and see the difference

Choose from weather models, layers and isolines
Use one of 6 weather models, 40+ layers and isolines. Map contains controls, legend, picker
Choose from weather models, layers and isolines
Use one of 6 weather models, 40+ layers and isolines. Map contains controls, legend, picker

- Use API Testing to see if it fits your needs
- Limited forecast models
- Limited layers
- Development purpose only, not intended for production
Get testing API keyProfessional
- API Professional was created specifically for corporate customers and extensive projects
Unlimited forecast models
(ECMWF for internal use only)
- Unlimited layers
Testing | Professional | |
Sessions per day | 500 | 10 000* |
Available models | GFS | GFS, ICON, NAM, AROME, GEOS5, CAMS, HRRR, ECMWF* |
Available layers | wind, temperature, pressure | wind, wind gusts, wind accumulation, rain & thunder, rain accumulation, new snow, snow cover, precipitation type, temperature, dew point, humidity, freezing altitude, clouds, high clouds, medium clouds, low clouds, fog, CAPE index, waves, swell, swell 2, swell 3, wind waves, currents, tidal currents, CO concentration, dust mass, SO2 mass, NO₂, PM2.5, aerosol, ozone layer, pressure, satellite, thermals, surface ozone, dust mass, fire intensity ECMWF only: thunderstorms, cloud tops, cloud base, visibility, sea temperature, extreme wind, extreme temperature, extreme rain |
Available isolines | pressure, temperature | pressure, geopotential height, temperature ECMWF only: freezing altitude |
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